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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Biden Messes with Title IX

From Frontpage magazine Presidential Meddling With Title IX May 8, 2024 by Thom Nickels It appears the pundits, the political prognosticators, the Election Day seers and news consultants were wrong when they predicted Joe Biden would not be the 2024 Democrat nominee for president. One recalls how many of them pontificated that Biden would be pulled from the roster at the 11th hour, and how somebody new would take his place: Oprah, Michelle Obama, Governor Newsom, or an unnamed celebrity from The View or Hollywood and Vine. I recall these “prophets” claiming to know “absolutely” that Biden would not be the Dem candidate, the one pictured smiling and waving under a rain of confetti at the DNC. “I cannot reveal my source,” these pundits often said, “But I can tell you that it will happen: Biden will be replaced.” Biden will not be replaced barring a miracle or a slip of the shoe as he descends Air Force One. That’s because he is the ideal Dem candidate—his mind is an open funnel waiting to be filled with ideological instructions from his staff of woke advisers. Biden is a man without moral values. He carries a rosary in his pocket but highlights abortion (aka child sacrifice) as his favorite “sacrament.” Biden praises the policies of the gender ideology and transgender activists, and then transmits that message to ‘middle America’ with a mouth full of mush, blabbering about “equity” when his real intention is to open a window to allow the government to force K-12 trans boys on girls sports teams. With that end in view, Biden’s morally bankrupt ship of state has added a multi-thousand word addendum to Title IX, in which biological sex is redefined to include gender identities. This fact alone should sound every alarm bell in the nation. The original 1972 Title IX law forbids discrimination based on sex in education, but under the new rules—due to go into effect in August—Title IX will also protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Sexual orientation is one thing, gender identity quite another. They may be distantly related in a left progressive sense but they are hardly kissing cousins. The two placed together like cooing doves illustrates how the Biden administration loves stitching together opposite polarities in order to formulate bold radical agendas. What this agenda wants to do is create a window to allow trans male athletes on women’s sports teams in grades K-12 and up. Some Republican states were quick to spot the ruse. Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for instance, issued an Executive Order against the administration’s revision of Title IX. Sanders’ order states that Arkansas will follow state laws on gender identity and discrimination, not the new federal law. Arkansas law does not require school officials to use students’ preferred pronouns, and states that trans athletes may be legally barred from competing in sports aligning with how they identify. “My message to Joe Biden and the federal government is that we will not comply,” Sanders said during the signing. “Arkansas already has several commonsense laws on the books that directly contradict President Biden’s new Title IX rule.” Supporters of Biden’s Title IX reforms like to say how the additions are okay because they do not include a federal reversal of statewide bans on transgender athletes. While this may be technically true, the fact remains that the transgender section of the reform was merely put on hold, as if the administration opted to wait for possible pushback before proceeding further. But given that Biden has already made the most radical Title IX adjustment– replacing the word sex with gender in framing the revisions, as well as throwing government support behind the enforced use of pronouns—anyone “with eyes to see” will deduce what lies ahead: a full blown green light for transgender males to occupy women’s sports. The people, as they say, will not be fooled. The state of Tennessee has taken the lead among 22 other states in suing the federal government for its weaponization of Title IX to promote what many call “fringe sexual politics.” Twenty states is nearly half the number of states in the nation, proof that something is seriously “rotten in Denmark,” especially the “transgressive” fact that policy making belongs to Congress, not Biden’s executive branch. The Biden administration is clearly guilty of dangerous overreach. Biden’s Title IX revisions would also require language restrictions on any teacher who wishes to use grammatically correct pronouns. If Johnny, a K-12 student somewhere in Virginia, demands to be referred to as “they,” a teacher who refuses to “obey” Johnny could be fired for violating his civil rights. Biden’s Title IX revision also allows free access to the bathroom of a student’s choice, depending on the gender the student — at that moment — identifies with. We can easily envision bully sexual athlete Butch X following cheerleader Jennifer into the ladies room because his testosterone levels at that point identify as “female.” The Advocate, the nation’s leading LGBTQ magazine, quoted a Biden administration official who stated that the transgender clause related to athletics in new Title IX rules “is still ongoing,” which seems to confirm that Biden officials are waiting to see what happens regarding the new rules before pushing for more radical change. Opposition to Biden’s Title IX revisions continues to mount. The always outspoken Senator John Kennedy (R-L) said that Biden’s rewriting of Title IX means that, “Activists can weaponize Title IX to force schools to prioritize the comfortable education of the boy with gender dysphoria above the academic and emotional well-being of the dozens of girls who would rather not share a locker room or learn about puberty alongside biological boys.” Kennedy also stated that “President Biden’s new rule defeats the purpose of Title IX. By interpreting Title IX to be about protecting ‘gender identity’ instead of physical gender, President Biden will place countless women and girls in uncomfortable—or even unsafe—learning environments. In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican who sued the Biden administration on behalf of the state, said that “Texas will not allow Joe Biden to rewrite Title IX at whim, destroying legal protections for women in furtherance of his radical obsession with gender ideology.” Paxton added that “This attempt to subvert federal law is plainly illegal, undemocratic, and divorced from reality.” In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis said in a social media video that “Florida rejects Joe Biden’s attempt to rewrite Title IX. We will not comply, and we will fight back.” In Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, that state’s superintendent of public instruction, announced that the state is “pursuing all actions to oppose this illegal and unconstitutional move by the Biden administration.” America is growing more conservative when it comes to transgender issues. A 2023 Rasmussen Report stated that most Americans oppose the transgender agenda—which has nothing to do with loving your trans neighbor or wanting to relegate trans people to second class citizenship—but which has everything to do with what Biden is attempting to do in Title IX. Americans by a 3-to-1 margin oppose gender identity bathrooms, the forced use of pronouns and the participation of biological men in women’s sports. Even Joe Biden’s beloved liberal, Jesuit pope, Francis of Rome, has called gender ideology “the ugliest danger of our time.”