City Safari: The Psychic Path To Para-“Normalcy”
Wed, Apr 15, 2020
Contributing Editor
What modern day prophets, psychics and astrologers say about this virus
The big question, in most minds, is when covid-19 will begin to ebb and when life will get back to "normal.”
The word "normal” is important because, in many ways, life will never be quite the same as it was before this virus changed everything. By ‘normal’ most people mean when they will be able to revisit restaurants and bars, as well as gather with friends in public spaces, without social distancing rules.
Aside from the fearful predictions from some health experts, it is possible to turn to another realm for answers? What do so-called modern-day prophets, psychics and astrologers say about this virus?
I did a sort of survey to discover what the more metaphysically-minded among us have to say about our present condition. What I found is that most of the seers tend to agree on the timeline of this virus. That timeline seems to point to the month of May as a period of hope. In May we will begin to see different parts of the world (and the United States) begin to move in a more positive direction when it comes to fear and panic associated with covid-19.
Steve Judd, an affable UK astrologer with a keen sense of humor, produces coronavirus videos nearly twice a week. Judd is straightforward in his delivery. He points to May as the period when we will begin to see light at the end of the tunnel and to June as the time when that light will really begin to have a positive effect. Judd’s track record as an astrologer is impressive but he warns that once this crisis is past if the world goes back to its former ways without learning the earth lessons that covid-19 has taught us, there will be more pandemics far greater than covid-19 in the future.
Judd advises his listeners not to tap into the fear and paranoia being manufactured by media moguls who recite the number of covid-19 deaths with a kind of sensationalistic glee in their voice, as if they were mentally rubbing their hands together and thinking: Wow, one hundred thousand dead in a year’s time! Wow, maybe two hundred thousand in 13 months time… as if they wanted it to happen.
Craig Hamilton-Parker, another psychic medium astrologer from the UK, agrees with Parker’s covid-19 timeline. He sees May as a time for healing and restructuring, when returning to "normal” will seem feasible. Parker likes to refer to the 10,000 year old Indian Naadi leaves that predicted the corona virus. On Parker’s page one can read that Naadi astrology comes from southern India.
"The ancient Siddha yogis had superhuman clairvoyance and were able to foresee the destiny of anyone who is to read the naadi palm leaves. As well as the future of individuals, some naadi leaves contain the future of humanity. Craig has been studying Naadi astrology and has uncovered a number of texts that have foreseen the coronavirus pandemic.”
Other psychics like Joseph Tittel, originally from the Philadelphia area but currently a Sedona, Arizona resident, sees the diminishment of the virus by mid-May. He sees the 2020’s as being an especially life-changing decade, heralding Pope Francis as the last pope of the Roman Catholic Church and the Church itself being reduced to a remnant. He predicts that Islamic fundamentalists will take over Rome; the re-election of Donald Trump although, in the third year of his second term he predicts a health matter ending Trump’s presidency.
Most of the psychics I surveyed foresee the reelection of Donald Trump. An astrologer, Joni Patryforesees a hugely tumultuous presidential election this November. She says that the events surrounding the election will rock the nation. She maintains that whoever is elected isn’t necessarily the one who will take the oath of office, and that whoever is finally named will wish that he had not been elected president.
A woman psychic medium named Utsavais, perhaps, the most controversial of all the seers I surveyed. Utsava maintains that the virus was manufactured in a lab (so does Tittel) and that the media and government sources are inflating the numbers of people infected with covid-19. "Don’t believe the media,” she urges. She predicts an end to the virus very soon and that the lockdown we are currently experiencing is a cover so that the forces of good can do battle and eliminate the so-called Deep State. Utsava, who has a huge following, sees a Trump victory in the fall (she was one of the very few psychics who predicted a Trump victory in 2016).
YouTube cannot be said to be a champion of free speech. The video empire has shut down Utsava’s account and it has caused Tittel to worry about some of what he broadcasts in his live feeds. You Tube’s penchant for censorship has caused Tittel to tell his audiences that he is reluctant to mention the virus by name because he fears retaliation, so he has taken to calling the virus ‘The Bug’ in order to beat the censors, Why would YouTube care about calling the virus by its real name? You Tube’s Orwellian censorship of Utsava’s commentary has only given her more fans since many people tend to equate suppression of information as the suppression of the truth. Let Utsava speak (and hang herself), even if you think she needs psychotherapy.
Some online psychics wax and wane endlessly about taking this lockdown cycle as a way to get in touch with your inner self and cultivate better relationships with spouses and family. Embrace the self isolation, they say; love it; dance to it; learn to see the beauty in it. "Develop your soul,” they advise, "plant a garden.” They talk about "personal reformatting” without making one prediction about the longevity of the virus or how we as a society will emerge after its duration. These are not psychic predictions at all but fumes from a New Age perfume machine. The purveyors of this rubbish tend to be late middle-aged women with short gray hair, piercing eyes and soothing voices.
Many psychics avoid talking about the coronavirus. Is this because they didn’t see it coming or because they are afraid to go on record with such a "do or die” prediction? These psychics tend to be the psychics most often invited on talk shows where they give celebrity predictions: When will Lady Gaga marry so-and-so; when will Jay Lo have a baby? Psychics like this trivialize the field. The Psychic Twins often fall into this category as does the famously flamboyant Hollywood psychic, Nikki, who looks like a cross between Mae West and a Barbie Doll with silicone stuffing.
In the most extraordinary irony ever, Christian evangelical "prophesying” preachers, both male and female, have had a lot to say about the coronavirus.
During my search for covid-19 predictions, I came across many of these Bible sites that make prophecies about the virus, only of course they don’t call them psychic predictions. Traditionally, all things psychic—tarot cards, crystal balls—have fallen under the Satanic label in Christian circles. If you are a true Christian, you are not supposed to listen to occult sources because doing so puts you at risk for exposure to demonic elements. Psychics like to say that their information comes from ‘Spirit,’ a word the Bible "prophets” see as suspect because there are many spirits in the unseen world, many of them not of God. For the Bible-based seers, only the Holy Spirit will do.
Listening to the Bible seers I found many of the predictions in alignment with the psychics.
Chuck Pierce, of Glory Zion Ministries, for instance, said that "This Passover will be a true Passover.” Pierce is also on video in January of 2020 as saying that a "massive plague like invasion will test us until Passover.” Another Bible prophet, Shawn Bolz, in a video entitled Coronavirus Prophetic Works, relates how he received a message that after Passover the virus will begin to be brought under control.
A "prophet” named Tracey Cookeannounced that God told him that, "Warm weather and wind will eliminate the virus.” Another prophet, Jeremiah Johnson, announced in 2019 that the year 2020 would include:
The first four months would be for repentance.
The second four months would be for recovery.
The final four months would be for recompense.
TheChristian Broadcasting Network, not known for its liberal tendencies, even showcased a South Carolina female pastor who had a vivid prophetic dream on March 23, 2019 about a virus- like flu pandemic that was going to hit the world. She claims she was told to tell people that the virus was coming because "My people have turned away from me.”
In all or most of these evangelical Christian prophecies the time line seems to gel with the predictions of the secular psychics. This I find to be the most ironic fact of all.