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Monday, August 19, 2019

Malachi Martin Creates a Crisis at Crisis

Malachi Martin Creates a Crisis at Crisis

I have read many books by Malachi Martin and have researched his work carefully. Years ago, I wrote a piece on a Black Mass that Martin claimed took place at Saint Paul's chapel near the Vatican. A description of this Black Mass is in Martin's novel, Windswept House. He also makes many references to this Black Mass in interviews and other essays. My piece on Martin's claim and its effect on the Catholic Church since Vatican II was quoted by many Catholic periodicals after its publication in the Philadelphia Free Press. Recently, I decided to resurrect the piece and send it to Crisis magazine (online) when I began to read Crisis. I liked Crisis magazine and was glad when the editor, Michael Warren Davis, said that the essay would be published on the Crisis site. The essay was indeed published by Crisis but lasted on the site for barely 4 or 5 days. I wrote Mr. Davis and asked him what became of the essay since it was no longer on the site.. I record my emails to Mr. Davis and his responses to me. Apparently, outside Catholic 'scholars' (Crisis readers) objected to some of the things I said. I was never presented with a list of specific objections or "inaccuracies," which suggests that the main objection here was my giving Malachi Martin such a major platform.    (Read from the bottom up)

 Dear Mr. Nickels,

Thank you for your understanding. 

As for the cremation piece, I'm afraid it falls outside Crisis's purview–that is, timely commentary on current events. Crisis will also no longer be re-publishing articles that have already appeared elsewhere.

Pax et bonum,

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 10:07 AM <> wrote:

Dear Michael,

In all fairness, the piece was presented as a question. Did the Black Mass really take place or did it not take place? I think it is a fair question and one shouldn't be afraid to ask it. Either way, I realize that it is an unpleasant thought--if it did take place-- to contemplate. I also realize that one cannot write about Malachi Martin these days--or quote from his extensive works-- without unleashing a fiery opposition. Martin stirs up a lot of feelings both pro and con. Different scholars have different views on him, from E. Michael Jones to Michael Davies, etc, etc.  Certainly these scholars could have disagreed with me in print. It would have made an interesting editorial exchange. In any event,I think my piece contained all the regular criticisms of the liturgical abuses, etc. (stemming from the spirit of Vatican II), so nothing there was invented or out of alignment. With that said, you are the editor and this is your province. So be it.

Going forward, I am curious about the cremation piece.


Thom Nickels


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Warren Davis <>
To: thomnickels1 <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 19, 2019 8:47 am
Subject: Fwd: Author Inquiry

Dear Mr. Nickels,

Thank you for your note, and my apologies for the confusion.

A number of scholars wrote with concerns about your piece's theological and historical veracity, and so our editorial and publishing teams decided to withdraw the article from the site. From what I've read of those scholars' responses, my colleagues' decision was fully in keeping with Crisis's editorial standards.

Please let me know if I can clarify anything further.

Pax et bonum,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: Author Inquiry
To: <>

Dear Michael Warren Davis,

Writing to you because I cannot find my Black Mass article on the Crisis site.

Has it been archived? Hidden? 

Please let me know.

I did send you another submission.


Thom Nickels 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Warren Davis <>
To: Crisis Editor <>; thomnickels1 <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 13, 2019 10:17 am
Subject: Re: Author Inquiry

Dear Mr. Nickels,

My apologies that you haven't heard back. I'm on my honeymoon and my colleagues are handling Crisis through the end of this week. I asked them to post your submission, but I don't know when exactly. If you'd like to follow up, please feel free to email Tom Allen <>

Yours sincerely,

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 3:03 PM Crisis Editor <> wrote:
This is an author inquiry from a new contributor. --J.V.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 10:34 AM <> wrote:

Any news on my submission?

Thank you,

Thom Nickels

-----Original Message-----
From: thomnickels1 <>
To: editor <>
Sent: Thu, Aug 1, 2019 11:06 am
Subject: Fwd: submission


This is my submission to Crisis.

I am a Philadelphia based author/journalist. 

I have included a short bio with the attachment.

Permission has been granted for re-publication since my submission was
published several years ago. I have since updated it.

Thank you.


Thom Nickels

215 291 9202

Philadelphia Free Press
Philadelphia Irish Edition 
City Journal, New York 

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